Happy School Nurse's Day Ms.Tomi!! Blessed to work with such a compassionate nurse.
almost 2 years ago, Angel Perez
nurse Tomi
BRISD will be offering annual sports physicals on Tuesday, May 16th from 4-5 in the BRHS Gym Lobby. The cost of the physical is $20. All incoming 7th, 9th, and 11th-grade students must have a new physical on file. Download the Physical form here: https://5il.co/1p1zi
almost 2 years ago, Blue Ridge ISD
BRISD Sports Physicals
Day 2 of Teacher Appreciation On todays playlist... "Walking on Sunshine" Our teachers day was brighter when they woke up and got some good breakfast and sunshine treats this afternoon. Dress up theme was " 90's outfit"
almost 2 years ago, Angel Perez
90s days
Kelcey and Perez
breakfast goodies
the crew
Incoming 7th graders and anyone else that needs one, get your physical at BRHS on May 16th.
almost 2 years ago, Angel Perez
sports physicals
Thank you Blue Ridge PTO for our new air fryer in the teachers lounge. We are so excited to get to use this.
almost 2 years ago, Angel Perez
pto gift
Day 1 of Teacher Appreciation On todays playlist... "If you like Pina Coladas" Our teachers got to indulge in a mixed soda today. All of the special drinks were named after rock 'n roll songs throughout the last few decades. Dress up theme was "favorite pop culture" artist.
almost 2 years ago, Angel Perez
rock stars
soda bar
teachers rock
rock stars
What a fun day at the Cowboy Stadium. The kids loved the tour, visiting the locker room and playing on the outdoor facility.
almost 2 years ago, Angel Perez
boys playing
kids having fun
group photo
hanging out
cowboys #1
locker room
boys hanging out in locker room
go girls
BRMS teachers ROCK. Let's dress up with our teachers this week and celebrate them. We can't wait to see everyone dressed up.
almost 2 years ago, Angel Perez
teacher appreciation
Congratulations to our students of the month for April. Jonathan White (7th) and Lillie Wilson (6th) were chosen by the staff at BRMS for showing outstanding leadership on campus and always have a positive attitude.
almost 2 years ago, Angel Perez
Lilly and Jonathan
It's #SchoolLunchHeroDay! Blue Ridge Middle School would like to extend a huge THANK YOU to our cafeteria ladies. You make a difference in the lives of our students. We hope you enjoyed your breakfast and know that we love and appreciate you!
almost 2 years ago, Angel Perez
the number 1 ladies
love our cafe ladies
7th graders had a blast at the Perot Museum in Dallas. They had the opportunity to explore and discover the dinosaurs, see the science behind Pixar, do a fossil hunt, and so many other things. It was a fantastic day!
almost 2 years ago, Angel Perez
7th grade fun
outside fun
master and Caydence
friends forever
7th grade boy group
group fun
life experiences
fun times
Please help me welcome a new family member to BRMS. We are excited to have him join us.
almost 2 years ago, Angel Perez
new social studies teacher
So much fun at the VB tourney this afternoon. 6th grade defeated the 7th grade and then staff defeated 8th grade and then staff took the big "W" on 6th grade. Fun volleyball day with our Tigers. 💚🤍
almost 2 years ago, Angel Perez
number 1
staff VB
let’s go 6th
6th grade players
hit set bump
7th grade
7th harder hits the ball over
let’s go
get ‘em
Here is the link for this months BRMS newsletter. https://www.smore.com/z12aj
almost 2 years ago, Angel Perez
Congratulations to Mrs. Thompson on being selected as the teacher of the month! Your dedication, hard work, and commitment to your students have not gone unnoticed. Thank you for making a difference in the lives of your students and inspiring them to reach their full potential.
almost 2 years ago, Angel Perez
April teacher of the month
6th grade Tech App. class was busy working on creating characters for their stop motion animation videos. These students have been working in groups to come up with a story and will present their projects in class.
almost 2 years ago, Angel Perez
group 1
group 2
group 3
BRMS families, Please do not forget to turn in your pledges for our first annual color run.
almost 2 years ago, Angel Perez
color run info
Fun times with our BRMS students at the neon disco dance last night.
almost 2 years ago, Angel Perez
principal and Jakob
the crew and principal
6th grade girls
the boys hanging out
neon glow night
the group
fun times
staff funn
cute girls
Don't forget about our Spring Fling Dance tonight from 6-8. Come dressed in your favorite hip disco or neon outfit. There will be lots of fun activities and prizes. Admission is $7. Hope to see you all there.
almost 2 years ago, Angel Perez
prizes for dance
spring fling dance
Happy Administrative Professionals Day to these amazing ladies who keep our office running smooth and efficiently. Thank you for all you do! You are amazing and we love you. 💚🤍
almost 2 years ago, Angel Perez
amazing administrative professional